简介:Two villages in Rayalaseema, Nallagudi and Kommadi are engaged in a feud for decades lead by Basi Reddy and Narapa Reddy respectively. The son of Nara
简介: 《Man to Man》描述19世纪一群英国科学家,千里迢迢到非洲试图研究人类与猿猴之间的关联,并带了一群非洲人回英国研究,是部古装史诗,符合国际一级影展开幕片最需要的大片气魄。导演荷吉斯瓦涅,曾以凯萨琳德纳芙主演的《印度支那》得到奥斯卡最佳外语片奖,《Man to Man》是他执导的首部英语片
简介:A group of Czech artists choose to ignore the realities of Nazi occupation in this brooding experimental war drama. When a pretty female refugee comes